Lets Talk!!! Colonization Of Africa, A Blessing Or A Curse To Africans?

Colonization of Africa to some of our fellow Africans has always had a bad reputation, with some of the opinion that it disrupted the peaceful existence of the African societies.
Others have gone so far to claim that the troubles of Africa is directly related to Colonialism.
The likes Chinua Achebe, and a host of other authors have written several revealing books against colonialism.
The likes Chinua Achebe, and a host of other authors have written several revealing books against colonialism.
But seriously, I may be in on of the few who would agree that Colonialism was more of a blessing to Africans than a curse.
Some of us know the story of the slave trade in Nigeria, and while the white man has been blamed for introducing human cargo in the continent, don’t forget that it was more or less (in some cases) a trade by barter.
They supplied the white men with our people in exchange for a bottle of gin. Then, read Things Fall Apart again.
What some termed as the greatest blessing ever is the introduction of Christianity and Islam into the African continent. I know that it is a blessing, because the idols that our forefathers worshiped were non living things. But There was peace, love, and understanding then. And when you get to know the their history well, you will know most of them once lived between men.
However, Africans are the biggest opportunists, and extremists in the whole world. Christianity is now being used as a tool to bring back the olden days slavery with the act of Holy fatherism. Making it look like we were being programmed to repeat what we once lived in and kicked against in the olden days.

Still, colonialism had merits in our society, even though the likes of Nkrumah of Ghana who associated colonialism with evil, along with his compatriots, still visible in the present day generation would probably rebuke me for my stance.
While some are of the believe that Colonization came to us quite earlier than it should. and that, every African country might have been at least as better as South Africa. Hence, some of them who would love to stay back in African would want to make it a better place to live for everyone.
Some still thinks perhaps we could have been left to suffer a bit more, it could help us know how much we need to shield and protect what we have.
Some are of the believe that we would only be left in an empty continent if we had stayed a bit longer in the hands of the colonial council. This is simply because our colonial masters were strongly up for the benefits they could get from us alone and would not care if we rot after they live.
However, a lot of things would be left unsaid here but if you were asked the aforementioned question, what would you have to say? what would you tell your children about how much impatient or proactive we were to get colonized? How well can can we defend our stance on the question?
Think about the benefit we would be left with, Benefits like roads, legacy, style of governance, relevance of governance, and the general mentality as a whole.
Think about the demerits of Christianity, premature colonization, the bad governance we have, what has brought about the bad reputation of Africans to the rest of the world and so much more.
So Guys, the question here is
Was The colonization Of Africa A Curse Or Blessing To Africans?
Nigerians would love to hear from you on this extremely important topic
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